Like myself, you are probably struggling to find music to add to your epic drone footage. I took the liberty of researching the best places to find music for your drone footage, and here is...
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12 Best Cheap Drones With Obstacle Avoidance (Price, Flight Time & Range)
Obstacle avoidance for drones is constantly improving, but drones with obstacle avoidance tend to be slightly expensive! So, I did some research to find a few cheap drones with obstacle...
If you are a drone enthusiast, and you happen to stay near a prison, you might be wondering if you are allowed to fly over it! Well, I did some research, and here is what I found. The FAA...
I live near a school and wanted to fly over it to get the right photo, but first I thought I should check if I was allowed to! I did some research and here is what I found. There are no rules...
Top 10 Quietest Hobby Drones on The Market (Full 2021 Guide With Videos)
My neighbors have complained once or twice about my "noisy" drone, and I can't really blame them because it is quite noisy! I did some research so you can find the quietest drone, and avoid...
Mapping using drones can be extremely useful, but once you have taken the photos, you need decent mapping software to stitch it all together into a 3d map. Mapping software can be extremely, so...